[Okay. Congratulations. It's your SECOND day in this world. God. And it only took 6+ real world months to play this far. Can you believe it?] (I'm Arcana, of course I can belive it.) (I thought it was our third) (Nope, we got there in the afternoon, kicked ass, and then partied untill it got dark. Or at least you did.) [Taki is correct. Let's hope I don't have to repeat that statement again.] (I was sure we slept from when we got back from the killing. But anyhow) [And after Arisa and Julie and Sheila said they'd help out the Ru'Hak', they came back and slept. Or talked. I dunno.] [But it's morning now. And someone's cooking... something. Maybe. You'll find out when you wake up and go to the 'kitchen' or not!] [Something something I don't remember my formatting WNN Session 7 Start?] * Taki sleeps on... restlessly, but still determined. She's been rolling over all night, and the coming of the light hasn't changed anything there. * Arisa swings over from the bed, legs hanging from the side and then stretches her arms out in front of her. She lets out a long breath and runs her fingers through her hair, slightly slouched over, before she turns to look at the others in the room. Not Taki, because she's not particularly worried about her, but the others if they're still there... [Julie's sleeping the sleep of the _dead_. Sheila's gone.] * Taki rolls over again, pauses, and then starts struggling to get more of the robes she made her bed out of under her head without bothering to open her eyes. [Julie's also still wearing that thing she was wearing yesterday. And she didn't take any soft things to bed with her.] * Arisa blinks and then rubs in front of her eyes. It doesn't look like she's had a very fitful sleep. She stands up slowly and raggedly, picking up her scythe as she rises, trying to make as little noise as possible, then heading for the door. (How are you doing on the 'wearing things' front? Still in the Gul'tari?) [Taki gets to succeed on her 'be lazy' roll.] (I hate the sun, it's so damn cheery, and it reminds me I'm alive for another day. Angstangstangst.) (Hee. We love you, Taki.) (Nope. She'd probably pick the closest thing to "nothing at all" when she sleeps. Underwearish stuff) (There's not really much in the way of that, other than the shorts and stuff.) (Shorts, the big shirts, etc.) (Shorts + big shirt then) (Because sleeping in a strap would be...yeah, uncomfy!) (Indeed.) [There is the smell of food, down one of the halls. And the noisines of Sheila being cheery. Good thing Taki isn't awake.] (So full of Hat.) * Arisa smiles to herself and heads towards the foody smell as quietly as possible. [You reach the sitting room to find it rearranged into having a table in the center. The food that's out looks like it's focused around a bunch of plant and grain mixes, mainly. No real surprise there. One of them looks like... some sort of plant omlette, almost. Weird.] [Frubi and Guna are there as Sheila is talking at 2, no, THREE miles a minute!] * Taki rolls over again again, now with her back to Julie. [She's also back in her weird mud/wooden clothes. Arisa loses. "And then when we tried to poke the fish Bart fell in and got SOAKED. It was hilarious!"] (Arisa loses WHAT?) (I dunno. She's the one who wanted her to wear 'normal' clothes.) * Arisa stands in the doorway and waits, mostly listening to the story and waiting patiently. ["It took five people to get that fish out of the water, though. Mainly because the water was so fast..." the other two frown a little at that.] [Frubi looks over at you and blinks before saying, "Why, Arisa. Come, have a seat and something to eat."] * Arisa shakes her head. "I'm fine. I was more interested in finding out what finally happened with this fish." She smiles at Sheila and nods for her to continue. [Sheila has turned towards you wide eyed and opens her mouth but... nods and says, "Well, um, we ended up having a party around it. The Brownplains tribe had recently come to visit us, so it was a really good time." She beams, then shoves her food, some strips of yellow plant, into her mouth.] [Frubi says, "Well, I hope having nothing but plants to eat doesn't bother you too much, then," and Sheila shakes her head and says, "No, no, I like plants. We have them all the time."] It sounds like it. Mmm...it's been a while since I remember a celebration at our village... And though I'd prefer fruits, vegetation is fine enough for my pallette. [Guna mms and says, "Fruits have gone into a bit more of a short supply in the past few years, now, maybe that the war is over, we can see a bit of a resurgence." Frubi nods and says, "Still, it's good. Have a seat, eat up."] * Arisa looks a little shy but takes up a seat, laying her scythe head up against the table overhanging the food and tries a little. She doesn't seem to be eating much though. [It is nice, for what are basically plants of various sorts cooked over open flmes...] * Arisa doesn't care about the taste really, she's just not eating. * Taki doesn't exactly storm in from the bedroom, but she isn't making any efforts to be quite about it either. She's still wearing her shirt & shorts combo from the previous day and has added a fairly nasty case of bed hair to the ensamble. She stops in the doorway for a moment and then keeps walking in and grabs the closest vegtable to her and takes a bite. (*eyes Jcat*) (I'm lurking) [Sheila looks over at Taki and says, "Takishimiru, hello! Good morning!"] * Taki is still polite enough to swallow before she talks. "If you say so... It would be too much to ask for if anybody here had invented the toothbrush, but with any luck I won't be around long enough for that to actualy bother me much." She then looks at Frubi. "Have you found anything yet?" [Frubi seems a bit worried about Arisa's not eating and looks up when Taki directs her question at her.] ["Not... quite yet, no, I'm afraid... it's still new ground, remember? I haven't forgotten."] * Taki nods slightly. "I would be suprised if you had." She takes another bite out of what ever it is she's got and chewes mechanicaly. [Sheila seems a bit confused and looks between you two? "What's she looking for?"] * Arisa answers absently. "A way that she won't have to kill herself." * Arisa picks at her food. Pick pick. * Taki snorts. [You both hear a yawn from the doorway, along with Julie's voice. "Well, it's a cheery morning out here, isn't it?"] [Sheila seems suitably O_O. Biiig surprise. ^_~] * Arisa smiles faintly and turns her face towards Julie. "Good morning. Sleep well?" * Taki doesn't even dignify that with a responce and looks around for something that looks like it might hold water and a cup or a small bowl. [She smiles at Arisa and goes, "Mmmmm, wonderfully." She looks over at Frubi and Guna. "Your people know how to make a good bed."] (There's some hollowed-out bowl-type vessels, yeah.) I don't know... * Arisa sighs and stretches idly behind her back. "Sometimes the ground seems softer...I'm more used to that." * Taki picks up a bowl, and goes back to looking for something to drink out of it. (And I regret having built Taki under Arcana rules and not being able to get sixthsense->water. ^^;) (Heh.) [There's pitchers on the table, yes. Or you could just ask. Ha ha.] (Ask? The anti-social one? ASK? AHAHAHAH) [Julie walks up next to Arisa. "The ground? S'no substitute for a good solid bed. But I should have expected a Ru'Hak bed to be the best." She looks over the table and sighs. "... but not when it comes to meat."] * Taki picks up the pitcher and then tilts it to pour slowly into the bowl. [It's WATER! Aiee.] (It's poisoned.) * Taki tilts it more and doesn't stop untill the bowl is mostly full. (YES!) * Arisa makes a slight face, then stretches again before glacing at Julie out of the side of her eyes. "Why are my sleeping habits so important to you anyways?" [Julie blinks down at you. "Huh? You're the one who mentioned the ground, not me." She smiles faintly and then has a seat next to you before pulling some brown grilled things over. Not that she seems pleased about it.] Yes but... * Taki sets the pitcher down. "Some of us like to sleep on softer things." [Sheila giggles and then looks back at Frubi and Guna. "Oh, I should tell you about the time that Krystal made me swim across the river to the Whitesea tribe, down by the ocean... the river down there is huuuuge!" She gestures outwawrd.] * Arisa shakes her head wildly. "Oh nevermind. I must still be tired." She leans her elbow gently on the table and cups her cheek in her hand, picking at her food. So...Miss Shimiru...how are we to go about helping anyhow? [Julie looks over at Taki and says, "I should say so. All those soft things on your bed..." she trails off.] * Taki shrugs. "I don't know, and at the moment I don't care all that much." You do realize that if this world goes to waste before you get your answer, it would have been in vain anyhow.. * Taki eyes Frubi. "I have no intention of sticking around _that_ long." * Arisa sighs. "Taki Shimiru, I think you still fail to realize the gravity of the situation. You have nowhere else to stick *to*. Neither do I." * Arisa smiles and turns to her, her face lighting up. "So let's *try* to make the most of it along the way, shall we?" [Frubi isn't really paying attention to Sheila's not-fish story, instead looking over at the conversation with a bit of sadness. She's not bothering to speak up, though.] [Julie says, "I'm all for making the best of it."] * Taki gives Arisa an unpleasant grin. "If you insist. It will at least keep my mind off of things." Like your dire hatred for me and my optimism, I know I know. * Arisa goes back to her food. * Taki snorts again. "You have no idea what my hatred is like." And with luck I never will. Now then, shall we enjoy a nice quiet meal without these unpleasantries? [People eat. Sheila's still talking. Maybe she doesn't want to listen to the argument. La la la, she can't hear you.] * Arisa smiles and folds her hands in front of her, leaning on them and giving Taki a pleasant smile. * Taki does her best to ignore Arisa's smile and takes another drink out of her bowl. * Arisa smiles to herself just to spite her and eats with more enthusiasm now. [The eternal question is answered. Arisa does indeed gets enjoyment out of other peoples' pain.] ( Just mean-spirited people) (Who are other people.) (That's Katie talking) (Katie admits to having always enjoyed other people's pain. She's not proud of it, but she'll admit to it. :P) [Julie sighs and puts down one of her grilled pieces of brown stuff. "If I'm going to help you, I'll... probably have to go back to Op'ra'kal before too long."] Just don't suddenly decide you dad had the right idea and there won't be any problems. There's no way she would do that. Then there won't be any problems. But we need to find where we need to go today. Which land is harsher now? The area of the Wind people or those of the Water? * Arisa turns to Frubi and Julie mostly with that question. [Frubi blinks and turns to Guna, while Julie says, "I have to go back to Op'ra'kal really soon... I may be the princess in name, but the generals there..." she trails off and looks a bit away. The Earthies both turn back to you before she says, "Well... Yu'ho'lrak.. ah, the Water People is closer to Op'ra'kal... but Om'ha'na is closer to us." (Hardest part about this game is writing down names.) Distances. Don't. Matter. To me. I didn't ask distance, no. Though it is a factor... * Arisa turns to Taki. "Unless you do not tire from your exersion." [They both shake their heads and Frubi says, "I don't know which would be most helpful. We still don't know how to..." she trails off too. Julie gets a frown on her face.] * Taki shakes her head. "Not particuarly, no." * Arisa turns and looks concerned at Frubi, trying not to glance at Julie's expression. "Has anyone visited the sites of the old cities though?" [Everyone shakes their head but Julie, who looks away and, after a second says, "I've been to both of them before..." she trails off, then adds, "And Yu'ho'lrak after."] See, perhaps there is a clue at the site of the city...that's why it'd be best to go there first. And if not there.... * Arisa looks pensive for a moment, twiddling her fork (or whatever eating utensil there is) inbetween her fingers. "Is there a...story? Some lore on how the jamo crystals were made?" [Gubi says hesitantly, "All we know is that they were created by the gods...." Sheila nods emphatically and adds, "When they mated!" Frubi frowns at her and says, "Yes, when they mated."] * Taki was reaching for another vegetable when that exchange took place, and froze for an instant. When they...oh my... * Taki picks it up. "That is not an option." [Frubi nods. "Most certainly not. The gods aren't around anymore." Julie adds, "That's all I know too..." she frowns again. "Really, nobody knows all that much about the Jumo crystals..."] But that....well, that severely limits the possibility of restoring it in THAT manner...are you-are you sure the records weren't falsified in some fashion? * Arisa looks to be quite red right now. [They all look at you oddly and Julie says, "There aren't really any records from back then... not, like, books or anything." * Taki takes a bite and rips into the veggie with her blunt little human teath. [Guna adds, "The development of writing for the races was after the four races were created. All we have are oral tradition."] [Julie maintains her frown.] Th-well that's not quite what I meant...well, we won't know until we try, right? * Arisa turns to Julie. "Do you need to return right away?" [Julie blinks and turns to you, still frowning. "Yes, I really do."] (* "You" does not exist in this realm!) Then my suggestion is we go there, then to the home of the Water people. * Arisa turns to Taki. "What say you?" She tilts her head curiously, awaiting a response. I say that as long as somebody looks up my answer, I'll do something else. But so long as you're uncertain, helping out won't hurt, right? * Taki eyes Arisa. "Right." * Arisa clasps her hands together cheerfully and perks up. "Then it's settled! It feels so good to have an idea where I'm going for a change." [Julie smiles a little weakly. Sheila smiles broadly. "I've never been to either of those places before! They'll make great stories."] [Frubi eyes Taki and says, "Well, I apparently have research to do. If you'll excuse me? Gun, clean off the table." She stands and walks off.] * Taki raises her bowl to Frubi's back and then takes a drink. [Guna begins the process of taking discarded things away, including yours if you want him to.] * Arisa is done. Yay for eaten food. * Taki finishes off her veggie and then lets Guna take her bowl. [Sheila hands Guna all her stuff. Julie watches the Op'Hak leave the room and then turns to all of you. "Well, we should most likely waste no time. Do either of you... ah... need to prepare?"] (Er, strike either, put any.) (I have another NPC in the room.) Just let me get my pack in order. * JCat (JCat@r01bblaha.desktop.umr.edu) Quit (Ping timeout) * Taki runs a hand over her head. "I want a comb, or a brush as it seems I I have things to do today." [Julie mms and says, "A brush... for your hair?" Sheila starts.] (* Taki ponders making one out of ice, Taki then remembers that things frozen to hair are painful) Yes. * Arisa blinks and looks at Julie, then back and forth between Julie and Sheila * Taki runs her fingers through her short hair and then grimaces when the get caught. (An ice brush wouldn't freeze to your hair.) (If she used it enough the teeth would start to melt, so she'd harden it again and if it were still in her hair at the time...) (That's her fault. >.>;) [Sheila looks at Taki running her hands through her hair and says, "Well... um... I didn't think to bring anything."] (Also if she went slow enough the friction would melt the teeth and the coldness of the rest of the comb would freeze them into her hair) * Arisa blinks at Sheila. "Wh--wait why is it *your* responsibility to bring something like that?" [Sheila looks at Arisa funny. "Because they don't have any hair."] [She point at Julie helpfully. Julie shrugs helplessly.] * Taki disnetangles her fingers and reaches for the water pitcher. ...I guess that's a point. Could the Op'Khan or whatever they're called fashion stone enough to make a rock one?" [Shelia blinks in confusion. Julie says, "Whatever it is, probably."] ["... I still can't get over that bed. Mmm. So warm."] There you are then. Get.... * Arisa then stares at Julie. * Taki reaches into the pitcher of water and extractes a translucent comb. "Something this shape, but a little stronger and longer lasting." [Julie looks at Arisa. "What? I like warm beds." She hmphs.] [Sheila looks at it and says, "Oh... um... we should show the earth people, then."] (Do we just want to fast forward through adventures in combing, or is thisi just so much fun for y'all? ^_~) (Fastforward :P) (Uhm... On the one hand yes, on the other no?) (Snicker.) (Sorry, I'm becoming more indecivive to make up for Taki.) (That's okay.) [So Guna makes you a comb, and you had a bath only yesterday (wow!) and you STILL have a lot of silly Ru'Hak clothes to pick from... so at some point, you're probably ready to go! Guna's so helpful, he even crafted you a circle. If you knew anything about circles, it'd be familiar.] (After all, he's sending you to the same place.) (Did Arisa ever get in the bath? I don't remember any more and Taki would have ignored her anyway.) (Everyone got in, I think.) (Actually, no, she didn't.) (Everyone else did. You didn't.) * JCat (JCat@r01bblaha.desktop.umr.edu) has joined #wnn [Julie and Sheila haven't changed clothing and if you're not in the center of the circle... you sorta know the drill, in theory.] [Guna's standing outside the circle and says, "I hope you, ah, all return soon."] * Taki looks over the table of sharp pointies and eventualy picks up a slightly shorter pole-axe than she had the day before. She's still wearing the clothes she slept in, but put he boots back on. (her boots too.) * Taki spins it once to test the balance and then walks to the center of the circle. (Arisa?) * Arisa is in different shorts and shirt, but still a short and shirt. She's got her pack, her herbs, and her scythe. She's-a ready. [Okay! Everyone's in the circle. Sheila is looking around a bit nervously. Excited. Amazing, that. Julie has a serious look on her face.] [Guna looks you over and says, "Good travels." And then that incomprehensible word and WHOOF. Green and red space floating. Sheila jumps in surprise as you begin the zooping.] [Zoop zoop zoop.] * Taki drums her fingers on the shaft of her axe and waits for the zooping to end. [Sheila is looking at the pretty swirly colors. Julie looks serious. After a bit, she says, "I don't think that General Ra'jal'kr would have done anything untoward... yet.. but it's possible."] * Arisa looks at Julie. "Untoward how?" [She frowns. "He always agreed with Father. I called off the war, but... the military has the upper hand."] * Taki inspects the blade of her new axe. "If he did not learn last time, we will give him a lesson that will only be usefull in his next life." * Arisa sighs and stretches her back. "So you think he might be regrouping.." ["It's possible... I don't know. But at the least, he will make life difficult."] [Sheila pouts. "Doesn't he realize that destroying the world is bad?"] No. Most warmongers don't. It's sad really. [The Christmas Dimension dumps you in front of the dark castle again. Today, however, the doors are open and there is a bit more activity. Both military, with people outside and such still training with those swords, and civilian.] * Taki doesn't slaughter the nearest one, it's still before lunch after all. * Arisa smiles and pats Julie gently on the back, watching for any heat. She speaks softly, "I guess it's time to see how well the people respond to a true princess." [Julie smiles a little and steps forward. One of the guards has already started frowning... well, until he realizes exactly who is wearing that kunj'lo'nap. He puts his hand to his chest. "Jul'pmak'guby, you have returned from Hak'cho'lk... shall I take you and your prisoners to General Ra'jal'kr?"] * Taki just ... looks at the gaurd. * Arisa blinks at the guard. "Excuse me?" [Julie looks back at them all and says, command voice entering into play, "My _guests_ and I will be seeing Ra'jal'kr, yes." The guard flicks his eyes to Arisa, then Taki, then the stupid hum--er, Sheila, and then nods slightly. "This way."] * Taki glances at Julie. "He wasn't here last time we came through, was he?" [You are lead. Julie says quietly, "Perhaps not. Some of these men, no doubt, came back from the front."] [Then she follows.] [Some of the other people are noticing you/her, and pretty much all of the civilians are acknowledging Julie, either with bows or with fist-to-heart moves. Even the military.] * Taki shrugs and keeps a tight grip on her axe and sticks close to Julie. * Arisa follows. "Without a strong leader around, they probably deferred to the highest authority." [You do notice some of the military people recognizing you both as well. It's not really hard to do. And, uh, yeah. None of them seem to like you.] * Arisa frowns and shies back. "It seems some are still upset about the defeat as well...understandably but..." (*WNN-Taki stabs Keika. "You get to snark later.") [Julie says quietly to you all, "We're proud. And we surrendered after winning for years... it can't sit well with them."] * Taki shrugs. * Arisa whispers. "You didn't really surrender, your top leader was defeated. Morale won't hold after that.." [You're walking up the staircases, this time, instead of using the sekrit elevator. It allows you to see more of the castle. It's all very... stark and black. But the architecture is quite something, for stuff of stone. But where Ru'Hak is clearly made from stone... this is definitely made _from_ stone, so to speak.] (Emphasis fails to make the distinction :P) (Ru'Hak looks like it grew, this was carved.) (Bingo.) * Taki climbs stairs and mostly ignores the grand vision of the achetect. (I know what he was trying to say. I'm just saying the distinction isn't made clear, even by the silly emphasis.) * Arisa climbs. She glances at the fine architecture a little but she doesn't seem to care for it much. (if I understood it and you understood it, I think it got the point across.) [The soldier eventually leads you into a room you've never seen before. It's large, and not as nifty as Vrmy's room was. He says, "The General is in here."] * Arisa nods and bows a little. "Thank you." * Taki looks around the room for the general. [The soldier blinks at being bowed at and says hesitantly. "You... are welcome?" Julie smiles slightly before drawing herself up and looking across the room. The 'man' there, which Taki sees as well, is wearing a complex set of dark and orange clothes, and is a fairly dark orange of his own. He has a jagged axe of... sorts... attached to his hip, and he's talking with a normal soldier type. "... keep the training going. We need to be prepared for anything." The soldier nods.] (* Keika smiles. "Anything has arrived.") * Taki clears her throat, loudly. (HA.) [The general looks over towards all of you. He smiles slightly. "Ah, Jul'pmak'guby... it is good to see you are well. I was told we were to stand down by the guard captain here. I'll assume that was true?" He starts to walk around the desk he is at.] [He's also sizing up the rest of you. Sheila seems to have glee mixed with hesitance. Only Sheila.] * Arisa turns bashfully aside as she's "sized up." Men. * Taki eyes the general straight back. [Julie looks back and... er, up at him, because he's taller than all of you. "Yes, it was. General, I would like you to meet the two people who defeated my father." She gestures to her sides, at our lovely PCs.] * Taki gives the general a very small nod and doesn't take her eyes off of him. * Arisa starts to wave her hand frantically and quickly in front of her face in a "nononono" gesture then stops and gives a meek, forced smile as the general looks back at her. [The general looks over Arisa the blushing and then Taki the formidable. "... well, I suppose it is an honor to meet the people who defeated us." He does not exactly seem pleased about this as he turns back to Julie. "I will take it that this means you want to end the conflict for good and not strike back at the Ru'Hak?"] * Arisa tilts her head at that response and whispers to Taki. "Um...should he really be talking about that right in front of us...?" * Taki glances at Arisa. "Only if he thinks they can take us this time." [Julie waits for you to stop whispering and then says, "Yes, it does. Father's ambition is.. gone now. It is time to welcome peace. Not fight it." She looks at him sternly. "You will not be fighting it, General."] (Who's wispering?) (Heh.) * Arisa speaks up. "Please, General. I know you have no reason to trust us, but this is for the matter of the whole of the world, your people included." [He looks over to Arisa and says, "And your name is...?"] (and her name is... ^_~) (*drumrolls) (I think, yeah, heavy lagburp killed 'im.) (and there she gooes!) (We saw no response to your name being asked. ^^;) * Arisa lets out a faint bow. "Forgive my manners. Arisa Lockheed. Daughter of Caius Lockheed and Neiya Glowfire." (And the scary thing? Even after this long and her not mentioning them at all, I remembered both names. ^^;) (Hee.) (Heh, I'd have to go look up Taki's mom's name. ^^;) [He nods and says, "I am Ra'jal'kr, head general of the Op'Hak armies now that Vrr'pmak'ruex is defeated. I am also an Op'Kahn'Sa, as Jul'pmak'guby is." He frowns at Arisa. "For the whole world, you think? The whole world." He chuckles darkly.] * Arisa frowns. "What's so funny?" * Taki shrugs. [He turns around and walks back towards his desk. "There is no way to consider the 'whole world', now. Once the Jumo crystals were to be destroyed, we knew that the only stable balance is the annihilation of all but one race."] [He looks back at Julie. "Our esteemed queen-to-be seems to have forgotten that." Julie looks away slightly.] Then why destroy one in the first place? [Julie says quietly, "Because Father wanted that one race to be ours."] * Arisa glares up at the General. "Hold it...she hasn't forgotten anything. Just because she doesn't think what you're doing is *right* anymore..." Besides, what if you're wrong? What if it never balances out? (Gaah, goddammit Keika shut up and let me play Taki >.<) What said you were right? [The general slams his fists on his stone 'desk' and says, "How do you know that we are not? Vrr'pmak'ruex assured us that it would. His ideas were sound. It was more than enough for me. With just our Jumo crystal, Or'ma'kal's essence would dominate the world, and it would be for that one race alone."] Such a pitty it didn't work out. * Arisa scoffs. "Dominate *what*? What's the point of dominating a ruined world?" No one to rule over, no one, no thing to survive except yourselves. It all seems so...so...so pointless! [He snorts. "I do not expect humans to understand."] * Arisa eyes the general. "Understand that you're a fool? I understand that completely." [He looks between you two, narrows his eyes, then looks back at Julie. "Only you would allow such humans to get away with their transgressions towards the Op'Hak. You were always so soft, especially with Ji'li'poa."] * Taki rolls her eyes and then glances up at the blade of her axe. * Arisa harrumphs and folds her arms, looking more indignant than she probably is. Her scythe's still menacingly pointing from behind her back. [It's still pointy, Taki. Julie steps towards the general and points her hand, which is now on fire, at him. "Shut up, General! Do not bring up Ji'li'poa again."] [The general looks at her as she continues, "This war is over, do you hear me? We are going to restore the Jumo crystals, and you are NOT going to stand in our way. I am in charge now. You are the head of our military, but we can make that change if you want to be obstinant."] If you wish to go out in a blaze of glory, it can be arranged. (Yay Taki! Threaten that loser!) (He's wasting my time, and it was worthless to begin with, you can't get much sadder than that.) * Arisa watches Julie and unfolds her arms, blinking and vaguely impressed. (Of course, Julie's fighting with the FIERY PASSION because he yelled at her OTP) (Ha.) (Or her pet. Hopefully not both, I didn't think this was that kind of game. o/~) [Sheila's just sorta hiding in the back. Well, not so much hidng, but... yeah.] (You think Arisa's even close to being Julie's pet? :P) (I wasn't talking about Arisa.) (Haw.) [The general is looking at Julie's display of force, glances to the people around her, and then says, with as much dignity as he can muster, which is still quite a bit, "It is clear that I cannot stand against you and your new associates, Jul'pmak'guby."] * Arisa still scoffs. * Taki looks disapointed for a moment. [Julie slowly lowers her fist and it isn't on fire, but it is still clenched. The general adds, "I cannot speak for everyone here, of course. Be careful that someone with less restraint than I doesn't sabotage your optimistic mission."] We shall find out when they try. [The general smirks thinly. "You would, at that. Feel free to stay as long as you want... most of the civilians are still quite frightened and the soldiers are, honestly, not much better." Pause. "They all know how close we came to being destroyed."] [Julie exhales slightly, in relief, and nods to him.] * Arisa doesn't mention the fact that they wouldn't have had to worry about being destroyed if they hadn't started the stupid war in the FIRST place but whatever. [Julie turns around and looks at all of you before looking at the wide-eyed Sheila and saying quietly, "We can go now. Open the door, please?"] [Sheila blinks and nods before running over to the door and opening it before whispering, "That was so exciting!"] * Arisa walks over and pats Sheila on the shoulder, speaking softly. "You can breathe now too." (*shoves Arisa above the Sheila*) (Yes, thankyou) * Taki nods at the General again. "Untill next time." She then turns to go. * Arisa shakes her head slowly. "You have an awfully weird concept of "excitement" here then." [She heads outside the door, as does Julie. The General looks Taki over again before nodding at her.] (Do you want to cut here?) (Depends on how long you think it'll take to get out of the city.) (Heh. Julie actually will want to go up to Vrmy's room first.) (Need to get his research material.) (*remembers when this was intended to be a "one-shot"*) (Now it's a diceless game.) (Anyway, I was planning to stay up another two hours to catch FMA) (Taki's got the right idea, on the research material point. ^^;) (I can keep playing, but really, I didn't quite plan out the Op'Hak as much as I'd like.) (We can quit and give you a chance to recoup) (If you want more time to plan what happens next, take it.) (There are other things I can do.) (*nods* That'd probably be best. I need to review the power structure and the stuff and... yeah.) (Only four hours.) (We'll continue this session after you finish you research. :P) (4:40, darn it!) [And Julie is victorious (with two scary women and one cringing human backing her) in cowing the general. For now. A small victory. WNN Session 7, something like suspended!]