[Last we left our heroines, they were about to arrive at the camp/village/whatnot of the Bluewood Forest Tribe. And they're STILL making music and dancing. I'd be almost impressed, but it's not really been THAT long.] [Julie's hand is on fire, and Sheila has been merily tagging along, being happy about being so wondderfully clean. ] (...The other end of my link is in Maryland... Yeah, I think I have a clue as to what my problem might be >_>) [And in somewhere called Maryland, it's probably raining. But we aren't worrying about that right now, because the night is crisp and clean, and the river roars in the distance, and it is just about pleasantly warm as you all arrive at the camp.] [WNN, Session 5! We get to dancing!] (*Shoves Julie into the crowed, "We get to burning!") (The humans cry.) [Dance dance dance. They're dancing fools. Taki, Krystal is still at the side, smiling and sitting near the musicians that aren't dancing. You can both tell that Bart's still getting down with his bad leader self, dancing up a storm.] [Julie lets the fire fade as she walks in, and chuckles to herself. "Energetic, aren't they?"] Very. [Sheila laughs and says, "You bet we are!"] * Arisa hmms as she watches, rubbing her chin. "Very. I suppose humans are the same everywhere as far as festivities are concerned." * Taki walks twords Krystal, "It's not like they don't have a reason." ( You've obviously never been to a junior/senior prom.) (Neither has Taki ;_; she missed the one in game dance due to getting buried in snow) (Haw.) [Sheila follows Taki! Julie looks over at Arisa and smiles teasingly. "So, is it time to prove I can enjoy myself, or are you going to help Taki with your story?"] (Kaede missed it due to not being a PC yet.) * Arisa smiles at Julie and waves her towards the crowd a bit. "Go, go. I'd like to stick around here a little longer." (Dood, Kaede went from not qualifing as a wallflower to the Tenchi. >_>) [Julie shakes her head, "Oh no, I'm not going out there by myself."] * Taki ignores the children squabling behind her. (nevermind the fact that all three of them are older than she is.) [Krystal notices you coming and stands, making a gesture at the musicians, who suddenly change their music to a very soft, very low drum beat.] * Taki stops a pace or so from Krystal, "I'm ready." (And yes he did) * Arisa sighs and tilts her head towards Julie. "To be honest, I'd like to talk in private if I may." [Krystal says, with one of her toothless smiles, quiet enough so that most of the people who are laughing and slowing, "Are you sure you and your compatriot don't want to tell us all at once?"] (Arisa: Clarify?) (She's trying to get rid of Julie. ^_~) * Taki calls over her shoulder, "It's story time, do either of you want to tell your parts?" [Julie blinks, and opens her mouth, before turning to Taki and saying, "Uh... I don't really have much to tell." She frowns. "Everyone already knows that part."] * Arisa purses her lips together and looks over at Taki. "You go first...I'll decide after I hear it.." * Taki looks back at Krystal, "There you have it." [Krystal nods, and gestures at the musicians again, who pick up where they left off. A few people look confused, but start dancing again anyway. Sheila sits down at the same time as Krystal, just barely off from the musicians.] [Julie looks back at Arisa and says, "Oh, private, sure, I get it." She frowns and turns, starting to walk out of the camp, and saying a little annoyed, "I'll be back later, then."] * Arisa frowns a little at Julie and mutters quietly to the rest of them. "That's not what I meant..." She sighs and shakes her head watching. "Honestly...what's made her so touchy all of the sudden?" [Bart notices Krystal and Sheila, and splits off from the dancers. So does the talkative woman, Taki would recognize. They all sit down near Krystal, giving her nods. Sheila obviously isn't looking at the talkative woman.] [Julie heads out of the camp, and you don't see her light up a flame, if you're looking, Arisa.] * Taki shrugs at Arisa and then takes a seat near Krystal if there's room. (There's room for sitting. The land's pretty dry too, so hey, small favors!) * Arisa is for a bit, but gives up on it, sitting and turning towards the rest in turn, nodding politely and then looking at Taki. "I don't know exactly what you already went over.." Just that they've stopped fighting and that I was one of the reasons why. [Bart nods, and says, "Before you start, Takishimiru... this is Maggie." He gestures at the talkative woman, who smiles thinly and bows slightly at both of you, saying nothing. She's got deep brown eyes and slightly darker skin than most.] * Taki bows back at the same angle. [Sheila helpfully pipes up, pointing at Arisa, "And she's Arisa!"] * Arisa looks over at Maggie gently. "And who is Maggie? What is her position in the village?" I... * Arisa stops herself short and looks at Sheila a little strangely. [Krystal chuckles at Sheila's enthusiasm, and says, "Maggie is my apprentice." Sheila's hand drops at Arisa's look, and she looks half-changried, and half-annoyed. A human. Annoyed. Wow.] * Arisa blinks at Sheila and shakes her head, turning towards Krystal. "I apologize if I seem blunt. I merely wish to know how things stand here. The customs are much different than in my homeland." [Krystal laughs a little, and says, "You learn not to care much when you're my age, about that sort of silliness."] * Arisa smiles softly. "I suppose not. Still, it hurts not to be polite and I try to be." * Taki shrugs again. [Krystal nods slightly, then glances at Sheila before saying, "It's appreciated, I am sure. Are you ready, Takishimiru?"] As ready as I will ever be for this. Ready? What's this all about? * Taki clears her throat, "I will mangle all of the names, but that is to be expected." [The various humans get sorta comfy, and look at Taki expectantly. Krystal and Sheila chuckle at that, Bart smiles, and Maggie doesn't seem to care.] * Arisa gets quiet and looks at Taki. * Taki points at Arisa, "Arisa and I were summoned here by Guha..kina? of the earth people, I am told he is one of their most powerful magic users, but it was his wife's spell that was used. It made copies of two people that could save them from the advaning fire people." [The humans look appropriately confussed. Except Maggie, who seems dispassionate, and Krystal, who just nods along.] * Arisa closes her eyes. "Gu'halq'na" She says helpfully. ( Only slightly more complicated than the names back home!) * Taki eyes Arisa and then repeats the name again, "Gu'halq'na gave us clothes and weapons, and then used his magic circle to send all three of on a raid on the fire peoples city. To cut the head off the snake. We faught our way into the room where the fire crystal, the leader of the fire people, and his daughter were." * Taki nods at Arisa, "If you would be so kind as to give their names?" * Arisa nods and folds her hands in front of her bashfully. "Well, I've been trying to keep track myself..." [Sheila gasps a little, and Bart hrms. Krystal glances at Arisa for the names. Maggie makes with the dispassionate.] Um...I don't remember the leader's name fully...Vrr-something. His daughter is Julie. Well, at least I call her that." She looks off into the distance. "That's the girl who just left her actually..." * Arisa snaps her fingers. "Jul'pmak'guby." [Krystal blinks and says, "Vrr'pmak'ruex. That woman is really his..." when Arisa says the name, she hrms. "So she is."] [Maggie glances at her and says, "How 'come you--" Krystal puts her finger in front of Maggie's mouth, and she shuts up. Sheila suddenly seems greatly pleased, and looks back at Taki. "So what's next?"] * Arisa looks from Maggie to Krystal. "Is there something wrong?" [Maggie looks back at Arisa and says with an obviously put-upon encouraging smile. "No." She looks at Taki. "Takishimiru should continue."] * Taki picks up again, "The two of us battled with Vrr'pmakrecks, while Gu'halq'na held off the soldiers that followed us in... As you can see, we won and captured him. After that Jul'pmak..." She trails off as she looses the name, "she called off the army, and all four of us used the circles to return to the city of the earth people...which probibly also has a name I cannot pronounce." * Arisa looks at Maggie and sits down hard on her heels with a determined gaze at Maggie but says nothing." [Sheila says, "Hey, you skipped over the fun part!"] Fun part? * Taki eyes Sheila, "Sorry, I hit a fire person with a pole-axe, he fell down. Then I hit another one and he fell down too." [Sheila smiles a little more. Bart says to Arisa, "I think she's talking about the fight. Sheila's always loved hunting."] * Arisa sighs. "I think it was a little more involved than that..." She frowns a little at Taki. But it's true, that isn't much an important part of the story. [Sheila pouts, and says, "That's the fun part!" Everyone else rolls their eyes, and then Krystal says, "It is fine in its simplicity, Sheila dear."] I told you I wasn't much of story teller ... I wasn't much of writer either. * Arisa hmms and looks at Taki for a moment. "Perhaps they'd like a demonstration." * Taki shrugs, "Could somebody bring me some water... or just a bucket?" [Sheila blinks, while Maggie smoothly hands you a small gourd. It's probably got water in it.] * Taki holds it up to her ear and sloshes it around once before working out how to uncork it. (It... uh... sounds like water?) * Arisa looks at Taki, watching her carefully. (she was tryng to figure out how much) (Ah. It's mostly full.) * Taki stands up, "Now watch carefully, you may never get to see this again." * Taki pours it out onto her hand where it starts to freeze into the shape of a knife. * Arisa stretches her back as she watches, drawing the scythe handle lengthwise behind her shoulderblades as she bends backwards. [The humans watch intently. Bart and Sheila gasp, Maggie sucks in a sharp breath, and even Krystal seems to raise an eyebrow.] * Taki holds up the knife to the light, "The people of fire... seem to have a weakness for the cold." It wasn't as if it were that easy though, Taki Shimiru. [All three women nod. Bart just says, "That makes sense..."] [Sheila makes a few shadowboxing gestures. "I bet it was super-tough!"] * Taki corks the gourd again and gives it back before sitting down again, "I don't enjoy nearly getting killed." * Arisa sighs. "Nor do I. I suppose, though, that the magic did know what it was doing when it summoned me in that regard, as much as I hate to admit it." [Maggie takes her gourd back. Krystal arches an eyebrow and offers an amused, "Oh?" at Arisa.] * Taki toys with her new knife for a bit. [Sheila seems fascinated by the pretty knife, and asks Taki, "How cold is it?"] * Arisa frowns at Krystal. "Please do not put me on the spot like that. This is Taki Shimiru's story, not mine." This one's just normal ice, like you ge... * Taki hold the knife out to Sheila hilt first, "It's not too sharp, and is going to melt in a bit." [Sheila takes it, and oohs, and swings it about a bit, causing Bart to scoot back and laugh a bit.] [Krystal says with a bit of wryness, "You did speak up, dear."] [There's the shadow of a person behind both of you, from the fire.] * Arisa frowns and shifts uncomfortable. "If you must know, I'm trained as a healer from where I'm from. Otherwise, Miss Shimiru would still be--" She turns towards the shadow. * Taki looks over her shoulder at the shadow's source. [Julie, who isn't really a shadow, and just plays one when her back is to a large fire, speaks, saying, "You can't blame her for being curious."] * Arisa notes that turning around causes her to swing the scythe as well involuntarily. This may be bad. (Who's she sitting between again?) (Near you, and sorta across from everyone else.) (Dunno...we can say she's far enough away. The handle end would probably be towards Taki anyhow.) [Bart and Maggie eye the scythe warily as it swings, but neither of you get to see that, you're looking at the shadow.] * Taki leans away from the haft, "Carefull with that." * Arisa looks over at Taki. "Huh?" She glances to the side behind her. "Oh. Right." She sets it down in front of her. [Julie looks down at everyone, then takes a seat 'behind' you both, where 'behind' is away from the other humans. Krystal looks at her with a faint smile, then back at Arisa. "By all means, continue. A healer by training, you say?"] Well...yes. My mother was a mage of some repute... * Arisa seems like she's going to go on further but stops and frowns suddenly. "Well...my other self's mother at least..." * Taki shifts into a slightly more comfortable position. * Arisa shakes off a wandering thought and continues. "Anyway, my father indeed helped me to defend myself, but it was the mother I remember where I got my natural talents from." She pauses again and looks around. "Although...I've noticed that with the landscape it may be hard to get the proper herbology supplied..." She looks fairly disappointed at that. [Krystal nods in agreement, saying, "It takes great practice to find plants nowadays. How I long for when it was so much easier."] [Sheila's knife is melting, and she sets it down on the ground and rubs her hands together to warm them up.] * Arisa nods too and looks at Krystal. "I'm well versed in finding my way around the wilds...although..that was certainly more applicable in my homeland...I..." She trails off. [Krystal mms faintly, then says, "No need to be uncomfortable. Here, now that you have shared your story, since you are new to our world... would you like to hear of our history?" She smiles faintly at Julie. "At least, as our humble selves know it."] * Taki nods. [Julie shakes her head and says, slowly, "I... No need to be like that..."] I... I suppose so. * Arisa doesn't sound too certain though. [Maggie scoots over and whispers to the musicians, who laugh for a second, and become instantly silent as Krystal stands.] One of you can tell the story, and then the other can tell her version. [Bart and Sheila move away from Krystal and back to the crowd, which has stopped dancing, while Julie says, to Taki, in a mutter, "I was more referring to the humble comment."] * Arisa sighs and looks at the rest of the humans with concern. "Jul'pmak'guby is our guest, nothing more. She is just as normal as the rest of you." * Taki shrugs again, "Sometimes you just have to deal with it." [Krystal has moved far enough away that she doesn't seem to care about the comment, and the music and people are now completely silent. You're now standing in the front of a crowd at rapt attention.] * Arisa blinks and looks around at the people. [Everyone's looking past you, more or less, at Krystal. Although some people are giving the secretive 'Wow, new people!' looks.] * Taki ignores them and concentraits on Krystal. [Krystal speaks up. "Before all beings, and all animals, and all gods, we know not what existed." She pauses in the silence, then continues. "And then there were the plants..." some drums start, quietly, "... and animals...", some flutes start quietly, "And the four gods." And two flutes, and two drums, start up, drowning out the rest.] [Julie just looks on, along with most of the rest of the humans.] * Arisa looks up at Krystal trying to concentrate on her and not the stares of some of them. [Krystal continues, "The Earth Goddess, Va'bul. The Fire God, Or'ma'kal. The Water Goddess, K'lra'K. The Wind God, Shr'mi'wry." The drums alternate on the first two, being louder than the rest, the flutes on the last two. "Their powers were great, so great they created four peoples, based purely in their own aspects." Drums and flutes play loudly in rhythm and harmony.] * Taki blinks at that and looks slightly confused, but waits it out. ["The people were immortal, perfect, almost as gods,"... then the drums and flutes start to get discordant. "But it did not last, for the peoples were not happy with what they had, and what the others had which they didn't. So they asked their gods for ways to take what the other peoples had. And they engaged in a great and terrible war."] [The drums and flutes, except for the four that obviously represent the gods, start to fade. "Their powers were terrible, their god-weapons amazing, and the world was nearly ripped apart at its very foundations."] * Arisa listens very intently. [The four gods, having realized that they had failed, met, and realized that what the people they had created lacked... was the existance of the deepest feeling, love. Love for others, and love for the world. The gods, having created them in their own images, had not considered that they wouldn't be just as happy as they."] [Some of the humans make small scoffing noises. Others aww romantically.] * Taki grimaces. [Julie chuckles a little to herself, then licks her lips and looks away from Krystal.] * Arisa just shakes her head and folds her arms in front of her. [Krystal continues, "The gods considered, and realized what they must do, to bring their peoples love. Va'bul and Or'ma'kal, K'lra'k and Shr'mi'wry, each pairing, one of the heart, and one of the soul, mated."] [Krystal says dramatically, as the drums and flutes kick in loudly. "The heavens shook, and the ground quaked, and when it was over... each of their races had a partner of the other gender... and the gods were gone, never to return."] [Julie looks back towards Krystal at this point.] ["In their place, the crystals of essence existed, supporting the god-children throughout the years, throughout the Disaster War, where the world was once again shook by the great powers that the races could command. But only now have things been so dire, that the crystals of the wind and the water were destroyed..."] * Taki sits up a bit at that. * Arisa has been continuing to listen with a steady calm gaze. It's hard to interpret what exactly she's soaking in. [Krystal says loudly, "That one, so twisted, would obliterate the children of the gods. The former leader of the fire people..." and on former, some of the people look confused. "... who nearly brought the world to its destruction."] * Arisa turns her gaze on Julie at that. * Taki tries to look at Julie out of the corner of her eye. [Julie stares at Krystal firmly, as if to display she is not afraid. She notices Arisa's and Taki's looks, and suddenly seems a bit more shaken.] * Taki shakes her head and looks firmly at Krystal. * Arisa turns back towards Krystal [Krystal says, "The deceptive destruction of the water people, the wind people's fierce counterattack, and their final stand, and the long siege of the earth people... all have all come to an end today, with the end of this war."] [The people cheer happily.] * Arisa listens oddly to that. It doesn't sound quite right. [The musicians seem to change over to the dancing beat again, and Krystal has totally lost her peopels' attention. She smiles slightly at all of you, who are still paying attention, and steps towards you.] [Sheila giggles slightly, and says, "You _always_ do the short version, Krystal." She nods. "It's hard to keep peoples' attention, child." She turns to look directly at you two and Julie.] * Arisa watches as Krystal approaches. As soon as she's sure that no one is listening in (i.e. everyone's back to dancing). "What did you mean? 'Deceptive destruction of the water people?' And what of this counterattack? I hadn't heard of that before now.." [Julie snorts slightly. "Well, it's not like anyone gave you time."] * Taki moves her legs around again, "So tell us." [Julie shakes her head, and says quietly. "I was too young. I only remember the aftereffects of the Shr'Om'Kral... the Om'Kan counterattack, their revenge for what... my father did to the Yu'Kan."] [Sheila says, softly, "When all the water people died... the wind people got angry. Real angry. And nearly tore the fire people, and themselves, apart in their rage."] [Julie nods mutely.] * Taki closes her eyes and takes several deep breathes. * Arisa closes her mouth for a second, then understanding on her face as she quietly responds. "Oh. You mean the Op'Hak's deception..." [Krystal says, simply, "It is said that some ploy was used... I do not know what, but one day, the fire people were losing, faced with a two on one war... there were water people... and the next day, there... were not."] [Julie is silent, not looking at anyone.] * Arisa looks quietly for a moment, then looks at Julie, speaking as comfortingly as possible. "Do you have any idea what happened..?" [Julie looks up at Arisa, and looks hurt, then turns away a little. "I... I was young." she simply says.] (Not hurt by you, I might add, just... pained before you got there, so to speak.) * Taki speaks flatly, "You are not responsible for the acts of your father, or anything he forced you to do." But that doesn't mean you know nothing of it... * Arisa nods to Taki. "We do not blame you, Julie. No one here does..." [Julie looks up at Taki, then Arisa, then sighs slightly, saying softly, almost as if haunted, "It was... an assault. Not unlike yours. The war had gone on for a while... the defenses on all sides were weak. Father... he offered peace. The water and wind people were less than willing, but... they were convinced."] ["And while they were talking on the battlefield... the strike was made. It... father said that the water people literally fell to the ground, dead, as one, in front of all their eyes."] [Julie isn't looking at anyone now.] * Taki scoots around to face Julie, "And you still protected him..." she shakes her head again, "Love is a strange thing." [Julie looks at Taki angrily for a second, really angrily, and then suddenly doesn't look quite so angry. Her fist is clenched, though.] [The four attentive humans all look various levels of stunned, even our impassive and know it all women.] It's why I would have done it, but you are not me... and I am not me, so we shall have to work with what we have. [Julie takes a short breath, and nods mutely. Krystal recovers from being shocked, and says, simply, "I am sorry. I admit to having been curious, but I was not looking to bring up a personal shame."] [Julie shakes her head. "Forget it. Just... forget it." Krystal nods, and looks between you all, with a small smile, "It seems the festive mood has been lost, but I hope you will attempt to enjoy yourselves anyway, while you are here, and talk to me before you go."] * Taki stands up and brushes off her legs, "It is not something I can hold against you." * Arisa looks over at Krystal. "That is not so. Of course we are grateful for your celebration." She looks over at Julie as she speaks the next. "But past wounds sometimes run deep. Still, we know you meant no harm." [Krystal smiles her little toothless smile and looks between you two. "Good, good."] [Julie looks down slightly Arisa and smiles a very small amount, taking another short breath.] Perhaps it's a good time to break. Wouldn't you agree, Taki Shimiru? * Arisa turns towards her. * Taki shrugs, "I have an axe to find and return." * Arisa frowns. "About that..." [Sheila says, cheerily, "I can get it if you want to dance! I know where it is."] * Taki holds up a hand to Sheila, "I do not want to dance, but don't let me stop you." [Sheila looks confused for a second, then smiles and stands, rushing off towards the practice place, taking a torch with her along the way. Maggie frowns thinly while Krystal chuckles. "Always an impulsive child."] * Arisa stops to watch Sheila. "Almost too impulsive I'd say." [Maggie says sharply, "Yes."] [Krystal laughs lightly and touches Maggie's shoulder. "Maggie, you are too judgemental. Even you are happy from time to time."] * Taki shrugs again. * Arisa looks out of the corner of her eye seriously at Taki for a moment. [Julie takes a sighting breath and rubs her hands together.] * Taki is waiting for Sheila to get back and Arisa to finish her sentance. [Bart looks like he wants to say something, but he's also looking at Arisa, since she trailed off. Krystal seems to have the sense not to stare.] * Arisa shakes her head. "Nevermind." [Bart looks a little iffy at that, then smiles at all of you, and says, "Well, I'm gonna get back to the dance. This is elder leader's work, and a few of the women are looking at me besides." He bows, looking between all three of you. "Thanks for the story."] * Taki bows back to Bart and then turns to Arisa, "Just because I have to go back, does not mean you have too." But I...don't... * Arisa seems to wrestle with herself for a moment then takes a deep breath, closing her eyes and opening them after, looking at Taki. "I would have you spar with me, Taki Shimiru." * Arisa looks at Taki with a dead, steady gaze, though hints of it fear what her response may be. [Bart had started walking off, and stops, but at a look from Krystal, he just keeps on walking.] * Taki looks Arisa up and down, "Where were you hours ago when I needed something to fight?" [Julie looks surprised, to say the last!] Are you saying you do no longer? * Arisa stands up and leans on her scythe, still keeping her gaze on Taki. No, I'm saying that I'm tired now, but if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you shall have. [Taki can see our favorite spunky human coming over, axe in hand. She's walking it over, though, holding it in both hands.] Although I intend to give it to you with something lighter than that fucking axe. * Arisa narrows her eyes slightly at Taki. "Is that so? Was that your intent all along?" [Sheila comes up with the axe and tries to hand it to Taki.] What, to hit something with something heavy untill I was too tired to care? Then yes. * Taki doesn't take the axe from Sheila. [Sheila pouts and lets the axe rest on the ground. "What do they make these things of? Geez."] [Julie finally gets out, "Wow, Arisa, you are just full of surprises." She gives Arisa a very amused grin.] * Arisa just stares at Taki. "You are an odd one, Taki Shimiru. I do not understand where was my fault...' As far as I know, you arn't at fault for anything, now am I going to fight you, or am I going to put that axe back. I don't care which it is, but this is your one chance to decide it. * Arisa gives Taki a solid look. 'Is there a place away from the people?' The training grounds. It's where I dropped that. * Taki nods at Sheila. [Krystal looks on with a slightly curious look. Maggie is dispassionate! Surprise! Sheila suddenly pouts. "You're going back there! Aw, what a waste."] * Arisa nods, continuing to watch Taki. [Julie gets ignored, and the amusement slips from her face.] * Taki looks at Sheila, "Find me a spear, if you would." Show me these training grounds. ["A... oh, right. A spear!" She looks around, and then moves off into the crowd of dancers.] * Taki points in the direction that Sheila came from... it's dark over there. * Arisa starts walking silently in that direction. * Taki taps her foot as she waits for her weapon and her lightsource to return. [Julie frowns at both of you, and says, more at Arisa, "I'd expect this from Op'Hak, you know. Why are you doing this, Arisa?"] [Sheila comes out of the crowd and heads over to one of the very few tent-like structures they have here.] * Arisa glances at Julie, then at Taki. "I have my reasons..." * Taki impatiently watches Sheila. No one shall be hurt. But...I am hoping some questions may be answered.. (What, the burning question of "can a 40 point d6 char who was halfway built for combat take on a 100 point d8 one?" :P) [Julie frowns slightly, and shakes her head with a small smile. "I don't understand you, Arisa."] Nor should you try. I am a complicated person, Jul'pmak'guby. [Sheila comes out with a 'spear'. It looks more like... uh... a mess of the flint stones at the end of a stick, attached almost randomly.] (There. Humans don't do metal. c.c;) (Stick + Flint = WTF) [Julie grins a little. "Those are the interesting ones."] * Taki ...eyes the 'spear.' If you say so, Jul'pmak'guby. [Sheila offers the 'spear' to Taki. "Here you go, one spear!" Taki, make an artisan (woodworking) check (mind if untrained).] 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 7. (err) (dice loath, I missed by 1) (Aww.) [The spear looks like a mess. You're not sure you could make it into something sane. But boy, would it hurt if you hit with it!] * Taki looks at the spear, "A bit overkill for sparing..." * Taki takes it from Sheila anyway. * Taki attempts to find out if there's anything resembling balance to it, or if it's just a stick with bunch of pointy rocks at one end to be thrown as hard as possible. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mechalink (2d6) and gets 4. [You're sorta lucky. It actually behaves almost like a spear.] * Taki starts to walk twards the training grounds, "somebody bring a light." [Sheila bounces from foot to food excitedly, almost skipping her way to following. Julie smiles faintly. "All my training to be a convenient torch." She picks up a normal torch. Krystal and Maggie just watch you go for a bit, then go back to talking.] * Arisa makes her way out to the grounds, talking as she goes. "Do you know why I asked you here, Taki Shimiru?" No, I don't, nor do I care. But I have a feeling you're going to tell me anyway. And that response is exactly why, Taki Shimiru. You are rude, blunt, incorrigible, unnecessarily hostile. Have I done that much to offend you, Taki Shimiru? [Julie and Sheila follow. Sheila seems to have the good sense not to open her damn mouth.] I exist, that is enough of a reason. Your existance is enough to be angry at the world? I did not create you, Taki Shimiru. Nor do I know the memories lodged deep inside you that belong to someone else. ( Because it's fun, and Karasu says you're cute when you're angry.) * Arisa turns around as she approaches the training ground, scythe coming around in her hands. (Isn't that more Kiku?) (It's what she'd be thinking, and Kiku can see that. :P) (Ha.) [The training ground has a bunch of stickish figures that one could beat on with light weapons, and a large pillar that looks like it could stand the test of just about anything, scattered about.] Sorry, I've had a few rough lifetimes. I don't expect your forgivness for it. (The stickish figures are scattered.) Yet I am not of this world either. Do you suspect I haven't had the same thoughts? No, you think of yourself. Yet you act as willing to help search for a cure to this world...I wish to know why. You confuse me, Taki Shimiru. * Arisa starts a wide circling pattern walking around Taki with the scythe, careful to her movements. [Julie and Sheila are staying well clear. Julie lights up one of her hands brightly, allowing for good enough light to really fight in. Just don't look right at it.] * Taki readies her 'spear' and and starts her own circling to keep facing Arisa, "I have nothing better to do while I wait." (I assume you want to RP this?) (Doesn't matter to me, but init will be pointless) * Arisa narrows her eyes at Taki. "That's a lie." (Me neither.) (Okay, then. Go for it. ^_~) (We are. ^^) * Taki snorts, "So?" So I want to understand you. Unlike you claim, I do care. I want to know why you have such a hard time with me. I want to know how you can remain so apathetic to the world. If violence is the only way I may talk to you...then..." She charges finally with her scythe. "So be it." 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-3) and gets 0. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-1) and gets 5. (If we're going by normal BESM rules I just blocked, if we're going by anything else I just had my defence blown through) (Think describing our own defenses would be best so we can follow-up as needed) (If you're set on rolling, opposed rolls won't really work.) (Persentages maybe? ^^;) (Sure they will) (Just do regular rules) (HKAT style won't work.) * Taki holds up her spear with both hands spread apart, catching the scyth just under it's blade, "So be it." (The main problem is that you have about the same amount of space under your attack curves, but Arisa has more than double Taki's defense percentage.) Is that your only reply? I thought you were more than just a parrot, Miss Shimiru. (That's because defence is something this Taki was intentionaly weak on. ^^) * Arisa twists around and swings again. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-3) and gets 5. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-1) and gets 5. * Taki vanishes as the scyth passes through the space she was just in. * Taki strikes at Arisa from the side, "I don't care what you think either." 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 8. (and Wiff!) (... Gloriously dicehate.) * Taki missjuges the distance after her teleport and stabs the air. * Arisa continues on the swing and turns around, keeping her senses alert for that. She moves away from the whiffing blade instinctively. "Have you ever thought I may be in the same predicament as you? We're the closest to kindred we have in this world...and you..you..." She can't seem to finish the sentence as she hops back much further than should be normal, maintaining her distance. I have seen too many of my 'kindred' killed, and taken enough of their lives myself for that to matter. * Taki vanishes again. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 6. [Julie looks on from behind the brightness of her flame, watching Arisa intently.] * Taki stabs at Arisa again, and actualy does it in the right direction this time. 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-6) and gets 7. (Oh, so close.) (You should mean for Taki. ^^;) (I do. She almost got a hit!) (Go me! o_z) * Arisa gets a determined look and a bit of worry at the sudden attack, sliding her scythe in the way and just barely catching the tip of the spear, parrying it. "So you don't want to become attached is that it? Do you feel if you act the least bit friendly, you shall be doomed to repeat your past mistakes? Well I have news for you: they are not your mistakes." She pushes Taki's spear away and keeps looking at her intently. * Taki pushes back, "I suffered for the mistakes of Yoshiko, and she died for them, whoever my other self reincarnates as will suffer for mine, the fact that I am no longer her does not change this." * Arisa locks gazes with Taki. "And you think I do not suffer for the mistakes of my predecessor as well? We may not have the same circumstances but it hurts me even now." She releases the bladelock by jumping back, flinging a triple-bladed wind shear in Taki's direction, the spinning blades of wind flying towards her. 2d8-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-5) and gets 5. (ranged?) (Yes. Should have been -4 actually but still a make) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-2) and gets 0, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "Fight! For everlasting love and peace!" (The triple bladed is descriptive only, just to make it occassionally look cooler. ^_^) (...) (Woo! SUUUUUPER Dodge!) (You can use the Brett rules for crit dodges if you'd like ^^;) (What are they?) (I get a free hit) (Basically a crit success is a free counterstrike) (Ah. Okay.) * Taki is waiting for Arisa as she lands and swings her spear upwards to greet her, "We are NOT ALIKE!" * Arisa grunts as she misjudges the jump and impales her shoulder on the spear, grasping the hilt and wrenching it loose, spreading blood on the ground. She holds the wound for a second but seems to be trying to ignore it. "I don't care whether we're alike or different. All I ask is that you respect me." You get the same respect that everybody else gets, including myself. (Uhf. Ow to Arisa, that thing behaves a lot like it's barbed.) (She can fix it!) * Taki doesn't even bother to teleport before her next swing. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 0. 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-6) and gets -2. (Damn it dicy! where where these rolls when I was trying to find Katie!?) (where were >_>) (Heh.) * Arisa brings her own blade again to meet the swing, twisting the scythe down in the way. "So you don't respect yourself either, Miss Shimiru?" (attempts to parse that a few times, "Do I need to make a deff roll to keep my hands?") (No. She's blocking it. ^^;) (Oh wait, you caught it with the outside of the blade.) I have it on very good authority that I'm among the lowest of the low. * Arisa shakes her head. "I don't buy that, Miss Shimiru. I don't buy that at all." She keeps her blade locked for a second longer then takes a leap back, readying her scythe behind her. [Sheila frowns. Maybe she doesn't believe it either.] (my move?) (Yeah, she'll let her have a move.) (It's sparing...she's going 'easy' on Taki. ^_~) (Gee, thanks, you're all heart.) (Says the woman with the giant gaping hole in her shoulder.) * Taki brings her spear back into position, "You wern't..." * Taki finishes from directly behind Arisa, "There!" 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 2. * Taki stabs from behind. 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d6-6) and gets -1. * Arisa swivels at the tone of Taki's voice, her ears twitching and she jumps out of the way of the spear, still in the air. "You weren't there for mine either. You didn't see the plague spread..." She flings out the scythe towards Taki and for the first time, a hint of true anger fills her voice. "Why must you be so selfish?" 2d8-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-5) and gets 6. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-1) and gets 9. (DR!) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-1) and gets 5. (GMs call on the effect of an AE attack ^_^) (Teleport may get out of the way of it, but I want to know how to describe it from that.) (Hrm.) (Taki, what did you want to _do_?) (Well, if it looked like it was going to be just a normal scyth swing she'd have tried to block it, anything else would be another teleport to Arisa's side, spear first.) (Well she threw it at the ground near her, does that look normal to her?) (And Arisa's in the air ATM.) (Yeah, Arisa's still in the air) (then teleporting to her likly landing spot, just like the last ranged attack) [The blade lands in the ground near where Taki was standing. The wind howls and spreads from the scythe point, probably the force of it whipping at the observers, visible streams of the grass and dirt picking up in the cyclone.] [Sheila shields herself from the whipping affect with her arm. Julie's flame flickers slightly, but she doesn't let it go out. She was watching when her father screwed up the dodge, she knew what was coming.] * Taki 's knuckles whiten as she tightens her grip on her spear, waiting for Arisa to come back down. There is a great deal of cold anger in her voice, "Try killing somebody you once loved with all of your heart sometime. It does wonders." 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-6) and gets 4. [Sheila and Julie both seem taken aback at that, Julie more than Sheila, but at this point this is just for the audience. You two are busy!] * Arisa twists in the air as she lands on her feet, glances at Taki and immediately dashes to catch her scythe, sprinting quickly across the landscape. * Taki blinks once, "get back here!" (Can I see where it landed?) (Julie's keeping things well lit. It should be possible.) (But Arisa is _fast_.) (and I can teleport) (Yup.) (So, roll teleport to aim it?) (Sure.) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 7. (ker wiff) (Should I roll anything?) 1d10 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mechalink (1d10) and gets 7. (No, because Taki ended up just behind you, facing the wrong way.) (*snerks*) (This... may sting.) (She expected to be on top of the scythe. ^_^;) (Yep) (You are 5 feet away at that point, though.) (She would have beat you to it. So.) (Arisa is 5 feet away, to clarify, when Taki lands the teleport.) (Taki is two feet further from Arisa, facing the wrong way.) (So. Uh. Act accordingly!) * Taki doesn't even blink at the total lack of Arisa charging at her, she just drops and spins bringing the spear around at chest hight behind her. (So, um, is that an attack?) (it is, but unless you turn around and run back into it you're out of range.) (Ah, right.) (She has no idea where you are right now and assumed the worst) * Arisa keeps sprinting towards the scythe, reaching to pick it up as she goes, she turns around as she runs and leaps backwards. "They may be as we speak for all I know. Why do you think I--why do you think *she* is working so hard to search for a cure?!?" She flings her blade out, sending three more wind shears her way. 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-4) and gets 8. (Close but that's an attack yes.) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-2) and gets 7. (and that's not a defence) (Well, a wind blade won't kill you. ^^;) * Taki is still straightening back up when she sees Arisa's attack headed twords her and doesn't manage to teleport out of the way in time, picking up three nasty wounds and ruining another shirt. "Gryaaaaah!" * Arisa lands from the low leap in a crouch, her hand in front of her touching the ground and her hand holding the scythe behind her outstretched. She's huffing as she looks at Taki. For the first time, she seems rather frail right now. [Sheila winces and says, "Takishimiru!" Julie is still tracking Arisa.] That's...enough.... * Taki narrows her eyes, and for a long moment it seems like it won't be enough, but then she jams the spear into the ground as hard as she can, "Not....yet." (point first) [Sheila starts moving over to Taki when the spear is in the ground.] * Arisa straightens her back up and clutches at the robe, then tears it off to release herself from the burden of the extra weight, standing in her gul'tari and breathing hard. "I think...I'm beginning to understand..." [The gul'tari is barely holding up. The shoulder wound caught a good chunk of the ribbonage. It's still decent, though. This GM wouldn't recommend any quick movement.] * Taki looks down at her hands and forces herself to let go of her spear, "That's...nice." Feels...better against a live target....doesn't it? * Taki 's right hand cleanches around the spear again, "No... it doesn't." [Sheila reaches Taki's side and says, softly, "Takishimiru? Are you..."] Then why...do you insist...on continuing...Taki...Shimiru? Becuase... there was some destiny for us... and I have to make sure...that there arn't two of me next time. I won't...kill you...Miss Shimiru...you know that... (Didn't you know? Your destinty was to all come together to form two giant kirbies, which would fight it out for the fate of the world.) (...It all makes so much sense now! *_* ) I... can handle...that part...myself. * Arisa turns towards Sheila, pointing her scythe at her. "Sheila...wasn't it? Please...prepare some aloe and alum root. Bring them--." She stops as she realizes they might go under different names here and describes the herbs to her instead. Please...bring them...here. [Sheila turns to listen to Arisa, then blinks, and says, "Smooth and Kila root! Of... I'll ask Krystal right away!"] [Sheila runs off, which seems to be what she does best.] [Julie, in the meantime, looks between you two and shakes her head. Her fire is more reasonable now, so you can see she's a little amused, now. "You two are amazing."] I'm glad... somebody thinks so. (er wait, I missparsed, strike that. ^^;) (So it doth be strucken.) (I saw a 'u' in both instances. ^^;) * Taki rests her head against the spear, "Yay us." * Arisa is breathing deeply as she looks over between Taki and Julie. [She shakes her head, and gravitates over to Arisa, whistling at the shoulder wound. "No, really. Just... you're both so worried about things... important things, even though they were ripped from you. And your fires..."] * Arisa leans up against her scythe, propping herself up. "We..." She looks at Taki. "I'm curious..." She slowly regains her breath. "What will you do if it turns out your double is fine with you alive?" [Julie offers Arisa her arm, and says with a faint smile. "You'll have to walk to get over there, Arisa."] * Taki doesn't look at Arisa, "It doesn't ... matter what either of us ...think about this." Then...think of me as someone who is curious about the inconsequential.. * Taki looks up at Arisa, "I ...wasn't talking about... you. I was talking... about both Taki Shimiru's. Both Knights of Cups." Both of me. [You hear an 'Ow!' from the woods.] I never thought you were... * Arisa turns towards the woods. * Taki looks towards the noise. (RDM will learn to spell... never, but it's a nice thought.) [Sheila wanders into the area, rubbing her head, and holding a bunch of leaves and dried herbs. "I forgot a torch, I was so worried."] * Taki closes her eyes, "I've survived worse." * Arisa tries to lift up her scythe and looks at Julie. "I'm fine, really." She draws herself slowly towards Sheila. "I don't doubt you have...but it's my obligation to treat you." (Are you _succeeding_ at lifting up your scythe. ^_~) Good, I have no intention of dieing just yet. [Julie looks at Arisa suspiciously as Arisa begins her trek towards Sheila and Taki] (She may be dragging it a little. ^^;) (She has 100 HP. She better be fine.) (Snicker.) (She's fine. That's just a really nasty wound. It's like pulling out a barbed arrow the size of a spear.) (Yes. Ouch.) (But she's the master healer!) (If we were playing shock value, that'd be primo shock. ^_~) (Like I said way back when, "Overkill.") 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8) and gets 14. (...and if it were shock value, yes I'd say that'd be shock) (Good thing we're not then!) (Taki on the other hand is a bit shorter on HP...and may just have lost a few more >_>) * Arisa puts a hand on Taki's shoulder as she passes. "Matter or not, I care what you think." She heads over to Sheila and takes the herbs from her. [Julie moves over at a respectful distance. After all, she's the well trained torch. Sheila seems to be frowning. "Smooth and Kila root... Smooth and Kila root..." she blinks at Arisa and hands her the plants. "Here you go!"] * Taki flinches slightly at the touch. * Arisa nods in response and rubs Sheila on the head. Petpet. "Thank you." She starts walking back towards Taki, preparing as she goes. [Sheila pouts. "I was never very good with plantstuff."] * Taki stands there wating for Arisa to return. I can try and teach you...you'll have to help me with the names but I'm certain I can figure what they can do. [Julie frowns at Arisa. "You're losing a bit too much blood to start a damn class, Arisa."] * Arisa stops midway and looks at Sheila. "Did you bring a mortar and pestle?" Did you ask for one? I didn't mean now, Julie, don't worry. I know what I'm doing. * Arisa sighs. "I suppose not...I'm still used to the conveniences I normally carry with me..." [Sheila pulls out her flint-knife, and says, "Um... I usually use this for mushing."] * Arisa nods in thanks to Sheila and pulls on a nearby tree for a handy large piece of bark to 'mush' on. (idly notes that the big stone thing is probibly closer and harder) [That's not hard, but the movement's only getting more annoying. Your wounded arm (left?) is quite bloody at this point, and the rest of that side of your body's getting there.] (She was using her non-wounded arm.) (Yes, but the wound doesn't stop bleeding just because you're using the non-wounded arm. ^^;) * Arisa winces as she mushes it up as much as she dare and nods over to Julie. "Toss me that robe, please?" (No, but it isn't as annoying if she doesn't.) [Julie nods with satisfaction and mutters something before grabbing the robe and walking it over to you, in direct defiance of your orders!] (Would heightened hearing catch her mumble? ^_~) * Taki decides that maybe listening to the messages her body is sending her and that yeah, wrapping her arms around herself, just might help with the whole bleading thing. (Sure it would!) * Arisa takes the robes and lets out a deep breath. "Thank you, Julie." She starts tearing strips from the robe. Or trying anyhow. Being a frail half-elf and all, it may be a little difficult. [Sheila is still near Taki, and says, nervously, "Can I help?"] (The muttering is something along the lines of 'it's about time') Can you go to the earth, about a year ago... and kick me in the head? * Arisa uses the robe strips to try and sop up the bleeding, sighing. "Water skin handy?" [Julie smiles very slightly at the thanks. Sheila looks confused and says, "I can't do that silly," before looking over at Arisa and going, "Um? No, I don't have mine."] It was worth a shot... go get Arisa what she needs. ["Right, Takishimiru! Julpakgumby, can I have that torch?" Julie looks at her funny, then tosses her the torch, lit. Sheila takes it and runs off!] ["Julpakgumby?" Julie mutters, before saying, in faint amusement, "You two destroy more clothes in a half day than anyone I've ever seen."] * Arisa sighs and smiles as she watches Sheila go. She bandages her shoulder as best as she can for now and makes her way to Taki. "I'm sorry to be such a nuisance to you, Taki Shimiru. It must be a pain to have someone worry so about you again." Two at least if my impression of Miss Sheila is correct. [Julie chuckles and says, "Hey, I'd help, but I don't think she needs anything burned."] * Taki glares at Arisa, "Bah." * Arisa cups her hand to her ear and speaks innocently. "I'm sorry? I didn't think I heard that right. I'll just assume it was a "thank you" then." No, that comes after you patch me up again. [Julie seems amused by the exchange, briefly.] * Arisa smiles. "You seem awful anxious to be fixed again for someone who is trying to finish themselves off." I told you, I have to find out what happens first. [Sheila runs back into the clearing with three flasks of water. She smiles triumphantly.] But it sounds like it doesn't matter either way...you just don't like to admit it. * Arisa turns to Sheila and smiles. "Thank you.." She takes two of the flasks and uses one immediately to wash her wound. If my soul can't go back earth, it's nice and simple... If it can...we'll just have to get creative. * Arisa nods and starts spreading the concoction on one of the makeshift bandages, pressing it against the wound. She presses her fingers firmly again the bandage. (In theory, you'd have to make rolls somewhere in here, but I don't think I'm mean enough at 5:30 to do it. ^_~) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-4) and gets 0. [Sheila smiles at Arisa, then goes back to looking slightly worried about Taki. "Are you talking about that killing yourself thing, Takishimiru? I don't get it."] (you mean that roll right there?) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-4) and gets -1. (That's preemptive for Taki ^^) (yay me) (Yes! Those rolls. Which are pretty pointless because she's got mad herbal skillz, although she can theoretically fail them.) * Arisa feels the soothing energy from her fingers and the bandage and walks over to Taki, dressing her wound. In the meanwhile, she flexes her own shoulder experimentally. * Taki looks at Sheila, "Hope you never do." (Bah. She can certainly fail them) (She only makes it on a 12. That's a 13-16 range she can fail on.) (Yeah, it's not like Keika and mecha defence rolls ^^;) [Ya done good, Arisa. Your shoulder still hurts, because ow, big chunks of flesh, but you'll sure it'll get there soon.] * Arisa starts putting extra aloe on the wind burns of Taki and massages the medicinal paste into it, wrapping her up with robe pieces. (However, your lack of tailoring skills means that that beautiful set of ribbons is so totally ruined. Yet still revealing! Woo thighs?) (Hey she didn't even try to fix that yet) [Taki feels better too. She's so lucky.] * Taki looks down, and then at Arisa's face, "Thankyou." * Arisa nods, her fingers patting Taki's wounds very gently. "You are most welcome, Taki Shimiru." She smiles up at her before she stands. [Sheila smiles, then says with a giggle, "You two probably really don't want to dance now."] * Taki shakes her head and then looks around for the axe, "You do though." I can do either..although.. * Arisa looks down at the gul'tari and sighs. "My outfit leaves much to be desired now." [Sheila looks a bit embarassed. "I don't know now, Takishimiru."] You want I should go get you another one? I...no, I'm quite alright, thank you. [Julie chuckles. "Well, at least it's still on, right?"] [Taki, the axe is nowhere to be found.] Yes, that is a plus... In that case... Sheila where did you put the axe? [Sheila blinks, and looks thoughtful, and then says, "I left it where we were talking when you wanted the spear?"] I am going to get it, and then go back to the city and sleep. Good night to all of you. * Arisa nods. "That sounds good to me as well." She turns towards Julie. "Coming?" * Taki starts to walk off into the darkness. [Julie looks between both of you, before shrugging and saying, "How are we getting there, Arisa?"] Can we go the same way we came? [Sheila gasps and runs after Taki, saying, "Krystal said you had to say goodbye!"] Sheila... * Taki stops, "Where is she?" * Arisa stops herself. [Sheila skids to a stop, and says, "In the camp."] [Julie shakes her head. "Not without another circle."] So...I suppose we walk...I don't wish to impose upon Miss Shimiru any more than I already have.. * Arisa glances at Taki at that and starts making her way in the likely direction. It probably is. And if not, it's somewhere important to go. Yay Zen Direction. [Julie throws up her hands and says in semi-mock exasperation, "And after getting your shoulder ripped up, you want to walk a half day back to the city! You're crazy, Arisa."] Taking all of you is no different than taking none of you. [Arisa's zen direction doesn't seem to be helping her go anywhere but along with Taki towards the camp.] * Arisa looks at Taki. "If you say so. But it is your choice if you do." * Arisa shrugs and follows her instincts. I say that whatever they find out, you're going to need to hear too, and this takes less time. * Arisa smiles a little. "Practical." She follows behind Taki. [You get to the camp. The dancing's still going, although the number is lesssened. Krystal is still awake, but Maggie is either off or dancing. You don't see her, and probably don't care.] (Don't you think this would be a good end spot? ^^;) (I do.) (Sure) (and we end at exactly 4 am... again.) [And that's where they'll be when the game... WITN NO NAME... starts up again. Very rocky session, complete!]