OK, when we lkast left off the JSDF had been decaptitated and the three of yolu put in command. (That's very true!) OK. Kiku, you and Katsu are sitting in your quarters watching Godziulla and cuddling. (Hooray!) (Gojira! =D ) (* cheers on Gamera!) Keika, you're in your own quarters. What are you doing? * Kiku is sitting in her quarters, now that Katsu has done the nice techie boyfriend task of hooking up her TV system. Her right arm is still way twitching, but she doesn't seem to care as she cheers on the fighting monsters on the TV. Nova, you get a call from the Ares Corporation. (Looking up how the hell one is supposed to organize an army, there should be all sorts of info out there. Horay for teh intraweb! -=-) (Ha.) Nova, want to step into a priovate room? (Not unless you just wanna do a secret secret thingie for some reason) Yes, i do. (It's mini night here in #db) (Apparently so!) * Kiku cheers some more. "Yes! Crush him, Hyper-Neo-Super-Gamera!" She giggles wildly. (Were to go?) (Which channel?) The Pm channel I jsut opened. (ah, that channel) (I hope one of you is logging) * Kiku looks over at her most likely unresponsive boyfriend and squeezes him with her non-shaky arm. "Isn't this great, Katsu?" 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kiku (2d6) and gets 9. (I just can't buy an empathy check recently.) (Spend next this sessions CP on power usage! :P) You wouldn;t have needed an empathy check. katsu is enthralled not so much by the movie but by you. You can tell he wants you. (I think a dead cat could tell that ; ) ) (Ha. Doesn't take an empath, as we says.) * Kiku looks at Katsu for a second and giggles again, before licking her lips and turning back to the TV just in time to see one of the bad monsters get laid out, and cheer for it. The move eventually ends with the good-guy kaiju trimumphant. Katus gets up just long enough to bring a couple of sodas. * Kiku bounces happily and turns towards Katsu while he's walking. "All this TV is so wonderful." She pouts. "All I had before were the same movies." She then brightens. "They were good movies, but they were always the same." Katsu smiles. "just wait till you see our animation section. You can see what people int reh 20th century thought mecha would look like." He ses you shaking, and holds you close, planting a kiss on your forehead."It's OK. I know what you're going through with the withdrawl. It'll break, but ntil it does you must be going through hell." * Kiku pouts a little, and then suddenly when he mentions the withdrawal starts sobbing. "It's horrible! Keika had to get me silverware because I couldn't use chopsticks! And my head's all funny and my eyes hurt and I'm tired. It's not fair." "Shh. Shh. It's going to be all right. I'm here. I'll always be here for you, Kiku." The shaking seems to lessen at the soothing words. * Kiku sniffles and tries to clutch him back, and starts murmuring, "It's not fair, it's not fair. You can't show me that and then take away my drugs and it's not fair at all even if I have a nice TV." "The drugs were huritng you. They were taking away your free will. Even now the thought of them is consuming you. I know a much better drug that doesn;t even come in a pill. It;s called love." "I love you, Kiko. I'm not going to let anything ba dhappen to you." * Kiku looks up at Katsu and says, "But... but..." she starts sobbing again and holds him as tight as she can. "Go ahewad and cry. It'll od you good. I'll be here as long as you need me." (Wow, Katsu falls pretty quick =) ) Kiku, you suddenly see an image in yoru mind of the people from your old photograph. They are screaming innterror as their hosue burns down around them, with their hands and legs tied. * Kiku loudly shrieks and starts trying to beat her way away from Katsu. "Aaah! Aaaah!" "What happened? Tell me! Please! I can;t help if you don;t tell me!" (Can I get free?) He lets you back away. (Good.) * Kiku runs screaming out the door in panic. Unfortunately, her eyes are closed, so cue her bumping into things as she tries to run down the hall. Katsu is running after her. "Kiku, wait! You'll hurt yourself if you keep running like that!" Keika, you ntocie the noise and step out into the hallto see a screaming Kiku running away with katsu in pursuit. Nova, as you step out of your new quarters you see a panicked Kiku headed your way. * Nova makes sure to not be in the way, pressing her back against her door. * Keika opens her door, and stand in it for a moment in her shiney new uniform. There arn't any patches or insignia on it yet, but at least it fits. * Daboid looks up and down the hall and chirps as the two run past. You can both tell your comrade is in distress. Either of you ahve Empathy or telepathy? (Not in such a way that'd help here.) (Nova doesn't) Nova, Kiku has almost reached you. keika, you can catch up to katsu if you run full speed. * Kiku continues screaming as she runs with her eyes closed. She's crying, though. "Fire! Burning fire! Aaah!" * Daboid looks up the hall, notes the lack of flames and fire alarms, and chirps again. Katsu hasn;t quite caught up to Kiku. "The fire isn;t here, Kiku! You're safe!" * Keika starts to walk down the hall, "I thought he was trying to keep her off the drugs." * Nova observes the spectacle, but stays out of the way. Kiku and Katsu run by Nova. * Kiku continues battering herself against walls as she runs, and is obviously slowing down because of it. * Nova 's eyes follow them as they move by. katsu catches up to her and takes her shaking arm. 'Kiku! Loisten to me! the fire isn;t here! You're safe! You're safe with me." 1d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for GM (1d6) and gets 2. * Keika comes walking down the hall twords Nova's door. Kiku, you take 2 HP from all the nabging around. Your arms hurt. * Nova stays pressed back against the door, her eyes switching to follow Keika and bird. * Kiku continues running, and if Katsu keeps her hold, she tries to yank away from him. Does Katsu keep his grip? Make a BODY roll. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kiku (2d6+2) and gets 10. (Ha ha. No. (I assumed it was strength, but even without that penalty, no way.) Katsu's touch is soothing. the panic and the image start to subside. * Kiku 's attempt to escape sends her collapsing, and she starts saying inbetween sobs, "No, no, no no no. Not fair." * Keika walks right past Nova, but her mechanical bird looks right back at her. * Nova 's eyes follow keika and bird as they pass her. "I agree.", syads katus. "What they did to you was not fair. But we can overcome it. Together." keika, you catch up to them. * Nova observes the others. * Keika walks up and stops a few paces back from the other two K's, "Right...what's all this about a fire?" "Kiku saw something terrifying to do with fire, but beyond that i don't know." * Kiku shakes her head, and says as the sobbing subsides, "No. Not them. Not them. Not them... " she starts looking confused. "Not who?please, Kiku, trust me. You;re safe here, You;'re among friends." I thought you were trying to keep her off the drugs, not send her on a bad trip. "I didn;t give her drugs, ma'am. Just what kind of psychic powers does Kiku have that could trigger a waking nightmare this vivid?" * Kiku regains her feet and says, softly, mainly to herself, "I... I don't understand.... it doesn't fit..." (Is he still holding onto her arm?) * Nova stays pressed back against the door and continues to observe. I don't know. Who would? Yes, he is. "Commander Nova, now that you;re the senior officer you should be able to access something that'll tel us what we're up against." * Nova asks, "Something?" "Anything that'll help." * Nova says, "Don't we have an intelligence department?" * Kiku holds her free arm against her chest and rocks from foot to foot. "Captain said... knife." She looks around at people, and tries to pull her arm free from Katsu. * Daboid looks between Nova and Katsu rapidly and seems rather confused. keika, you suddnely get an image -- a rperessed emory from your pirate days of one of your colleagues dying horribly. Nova, you suddenly get an image of your superviros holding a scalpel over you. (She has Mind SHEILD, so I seriously doubt it) And saying "You failed us. Time to collect some spare parts. Sorry we couldn;t afford anethetic, but since you won;t need a heart anymore it won;t matter." (Our mind shields are garbage!) * Keika shivers. * Ked (kerryms@ has left #deathblossoms Make Mind Shield rolls. * Daboid eyes Keika and squawks. (Mind or Soul?) (2d6-6) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kiku (2d6-1) and gets 9. Whichever is higher. 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nova (2d6-6) and gets 0. (eh what the hell) (... Jesus! I failed again. >_<) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keika (2d6) and gets 3. (I made a straight up soul roll if that counts for anything) keika and Nova, the images recede. You also realzie they came form an outside source. Kiku, the images are gone but you;re still panicked. Kiku, you feel strong arms lifting you off your feet. "I"m taking her back to her quarters," Katsu says. "She needs rest. I;d send for the doctor if he were still alive." * Kiku gets lifted and looks 'down' at where her lifter should be. "Lemme go!" * Nova nods. * Keika cracks her knuckles, "I was planning to take the rest of the day off too. Is Hirameku flightworthy yet Katsu?" "All set. If you need to srotie in the mroning, she;'ll be ready for you." * Nova nods and starts walking towards the intelligence division area. Katsu whispers soothingly in your ear."It's OK, Kiku. I'm taking you home. It's safe at home." No...there's somebody that needs to die now, coming Nova? You seem to be good at spotting them. * Nova stops as Keika calling out her name, and turns her head towards Keika. She says, "We can try." * Kiku wiggles around a bit to try to get free, but she's just way too tired. Good enough. * Nova turns her body to face Keika and walks towards her. * Keika heads twords the front door, hopefully there will be some mode of transportation out there. "I'll take care of Kiku," Katsu says. "She'll recover." * Nova follows Keika along. * Keika shrugs, causing her bird to flap it's wings a few times to keep it's balance. A corrporal pciks you up when you flag him down, Where are you going? Mecha hanger. "Got it, ma'am." In a few minutes you arrive and the crews help you into your suits. * Nova gets into her suit by herself and into her mecha with little assistance as well. * Kiku fails to wriggle free. Is Katsu just wrangling her back to her room? * Keika acepts a hand up into her cockpit, but that's it for assistance needed. * Nova powers her mecha up and uses the sensors to analyze the area on and surrounding the base for anything that seems out of place or otherwise unusual. Yes, that;s where he;s taking you, all the while talking to you soothingly trying to calm you down. You detect the presence of a single mecha three kilometeres north of the base. * Kiku is just breathing heavily at this point. She's really got nothing left to fight with. * Keika powers up, and hovers over to the doors, "Anything?" * Nova uses a secure link to Keika and relays to her the information that her sensors have put together. She's mecha starts walking out of the hanger Kiku, katsu carried you into your room and puts you in bed. He covers you with the sheets. I'll flush 'er out for you. * Kiku weakly tries to get out of bed, but it doesn't really work. Instead, she says, weakly, "Can you get me Haguro, pleasse?" * Keika sets about doing just that, heading twords the mecha at top speed and at low altitude, trying to be as obvious as possible about it. * Nova replys, "Understood." Katsu smiles benevolently."Of course." he goes into the main room and comes back with your favorite pluishie. * Nova hovers her mecha off of the ground just after exiting the hanger and lifts her mecha up so that she has a high elevation and a clear Line Of Sight towards the enemy location. An array of missiles is heading for Nova. It'll impact in one turn. (You sure that's Nova and not the one making a frigging huge target out of herself?) * Nova cloaks and shifts position rapidly. * Kiku grabs it from him and sighs tiredly, before whispering, "Burning. I don't like burning." (considering that their missle go 3KM, they have Long range or better) (and I haul ass at 20 km per min, so it's all good n_n) (That's quite the ass haul.) (flight 4, Nova's touch faster, but I'm harder to hit so it all works out in the end.) Kieka and Nova, make Rangded Defense rolls. 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keika (2d6-5) and gets 4. (She's cloaked, don't forget) (Made, no problems) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nova (2d6-2) and gets 3. (made easily) The array oif missles explodes all around you without causing damage. You're not even disoirented, and have a fix on the enemy mecha. Suddely you get a strange communciation in your cockpits, on an unfamilair frequency. * Nova moves towards the mecha (still just the one?) Yes, just the one. (missiles come from it?) Yes. * Keika takes the signal, but doesn't slow down yet. (Probibly in melee in far less than a min.) * Nova moves towards the enemy mecha with the intent to get within 'medium' range of the enemy mecha shortly after Keika does, but stays at cloaked and at a different vector. The mecha takes aim with a large gun at keika. Sorry, I was never much good at the whole surrender thing. This mecha looks bigger and toughrer than any mecha you;ve ever faced before. * Keika keeps going straight for it as it increases in size. Roll for intitiaitve. d6+15 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keika (d6+15) and gets 21. d6+13 * Dicesuke throws the bones for GM (d6+13) and gets 14. Nova, you rolling? d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nova (d6+7) and gets 8. OK, the order is keika, enbemy, Nova. (rolling, yes, ,rolling well, no =/ ) keika, what are you doing? (I'm waiting for you to look at /msg! ^^;) (I stepped to the kitchen to grabs a few pieces of pizza =3 ) * Keika closes with the mecha at high speed, but doesn't think she's going to get there quite yet, so she lets him have it with the larger, but less satisfying of the two cannons on her mechas back. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keika (2d6-3) and gets 4. (A hit! Maybe!) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for GM (2d6-3) and gets 6. The hit stsaggers the enemy mecha, but it still stands. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for GM (2d6-3) and gets 7. Kieka, make a Ranged Defense roll. * Kiku lies in bed, seemingly asleep. It's dramatic. Really. 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keika (2d6-5) and gets 4. * Keika rolls out of the way, and keeps rolling as she spirials ever closer. A searing beam of heat passes over your mecha;s head as you duck out of the way. Nova, your action. * Nova remains cloak and circles around the enemy to it's back area. She fires a cling-bomb at where is believes is the most tactically sound place to have it attach. She has it set to detenate in 1 action away. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nova (2d6-1) and gets 5. He's already taken his defense for the turn, The bomb attaches. Next turn. d6+13 * Dicesuke throws the bones for GM (d6+13) and gets 18. 1d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nova (1d6+7) and gets 10. d6+15 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keika (d6+15) and gets 18. keika and the enemy go at the same time, followed by Nova. (and the cling-bomb at 8) The enemy steps forward and fires a beam of energy at keika 9the only foe he has a visual lead on) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for GM (2d6-3) and gets 5. Kiekai, make a RD roll 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keika (2d6-5) and gets 0. Did you make it? (you have to ask?@_@) I can;lt read it very well. wa sthat a 0 or an 8? (zero) Never mind it has to be a 0. he misses. Yiour move. * Keika 's wingtips seem to catch fire as barrel rolls around the beam and then snap rolls to bring both of them through the space the baddie should be standing in. 2 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keika (2 2d6) and gets 5 5. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for GM (2d6-3) and gets 6. (And they're both good!) And the enemy misses his defense roll. Remind me how much damage heact one does. * Nova says through her communications systems to Keika, "Fall back after your attack." (30 normal +20 from super strength+6 acv!) The mecha is staggered. it;s wobbling., But it stays on its feet. Novas, your move. * Nova falls back to medium range and checks her sensor systems for any other enemy activity while she waits for her 'package' to be opened. OK. The bomb explodes. How much? (and do I need to make another def roll?) (it's a directed charge - it doesn't have area effect.) No you don'.t the emeny mecha flies apart in pieces, but the cockpit is hurled clear if if the pilot had hit eject. it;s flying in your direction, keika. (although there's that danger of course =3 ) (Haw.) keika, make a mind Shield roll. (I don't have a mind shield, but I can give you a soul roll) * Nova targets the cockpit, not especially feeling much mercy considering the enemy's tactics. With a +2 modifer, sure. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keika (2d6+2) and gets 10. (Dicy you bastard! I failed! ;_;) You ahev a compelling urge to catch the cockpit and set it gently on the ground. (Piloting roll?) Sure. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keika (2d6-4) and gets 6. You succeed in catching the flyign cockpit. It opens in your mecha's hands and a man with blue skil and a black unfoirom climbs out. skin. * Keika holds it with both of her mechas hands, and lands gently. * Nova remains cloaked and waits for Keika to get clear as waits for an opportunity to fire at the cockpit (or pilot, if said pilot gets out). he steps onto the ground, and you her\ar a voice in your mind say "Thank you. I suppose I am your prisoner now, Well, so be it." (I still being compelled to keep him safe?) Nova, make amind Shield roll. (Has the technology developed a way to prevent psionics emitting from a prisoner, such as a a psionic enhibitor or some such - if not, then taking a prisoner is stupid.) 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nova (2d6-6) and gets 0. You don;lt hear him. (why do you bother to have me even roll?) (You mean like the drugs Keika is on? and presumable so are the other two?) (Snicker.) Nova, you know there are psionic supressors that work on humans, both technolgouical and in the form of drugs simialr to the ones Kiku was taking. (That's true, I guess drugs could work, but I was rather hoping for a less high maintance method such as a psionic inhibitor band or something) (ah - okie) * Nova allows Keika to take him prisoner, but keeps alert. Kiku, I know you're asleepm, but I want you to make a BODY roll at -2. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Kiku (2d6) and gets 5. (Just missed.) (Unless it was non-str.) (Then it was just made.) * Keika starts to walk her "prisioner" back to the base cradling the cockpit in her mechs arms. Close enough, Yoyu get a Speicla Experince Award. Your addition defect is now bought off. When you wake up in the morning you won;t be shaking anymore. (... I feel sad now that it's gone. ^_~) The trauma of the attack burnt away your dependence on the drugs. * Nova keeps a digilant guard against any surprises from the enemy or the ally. You get back to the hangar without incident, the Chief Sergeant on\f MPs slaps on a psionic supressor and takes rthe prisoner into custody. And with that we close for tonoight. one skill point each for all three of you.